The Dangerous Rise of Woke Transgender Fascism
All human beings, regardless of belief or identity, deserve human rights.
I do not expect that this piece will be received very well, but how something is received should not be an arbiter of truth, nor should it dictate whether or not you speak up as an individual and express yourself. I think most sane and compassionate people understand that gender dysphoria is a real condition, and that a trans person’s rights are indeed human rights.
Every human being, regardless of belief or identity, deserves to have their human rights protected. The two cornerstone human rights which uphold the rest are freedom of thought and freedom of expression. Without these two fundamental human rights, all other human and civil rights are at risk of being eroded and erased by whatever moral panic grips a society, and by whichever social and political force dictates the popular opinion of the day.
The trans-rights movement is a necessary one, because trans people are still viewed by predominantly Right-wing religious fanatics as being somehow unnatural and perverse. This is not the case. Transgenderism is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and we cannot overlook the fact that being born into a body that feels dissociated from your own mind must be an extremely difficult thing to bear.
It is with compassion for the suffering of transgender human beings and for the protection of human rights overall that I build my case against the dangerous rise of woke trans fascism, because Woke trans fascism not only threatens human rights for all, but it also poses a serious danger to the trans community itself. A very good friend and former colleague of mine in the atheist and secular movement, who is the loving and supportive mother of a transgender son, recently posted this on Facebook after ‘LGB Without The T’ started trending as a hashtag on Twitter:
‘Thank you, woke cult, for hurting my child and millions of other transgender people with REAL gender dysphoria thanks to your fanatical impositions and insanely dogmatic hurtful views. Do you not see what you’re doing in the name of acceptance and tolerance? You opened the door and gave a warm welcome to predators, autogynephiles, and deviants. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I’ve been deep inside this for years fighting left and right trying to make people understand Gender Dysphoria is real and that 100% of REAL transgender people want to live as peacefully as possible. But your insane dispositions and behaviors make it all so hard. I’m sick of strangers on Twitter calling my kid “sick or perverted.” But see, since I’m deep in I know why this is happening. It’s all the woke cult’s fault.’
The trans-rights movement has been almost terminally infected by Wokeism. But isn’t Wokeism just a slur that the aforementioned Right-wing bigots use to label any progressive idea or movement that frightens them? Yes and no. Whilst it is certainly true that the extreme Right throw the label “Woke” around like chimpanzees flinging faeces at irrationally perceived threats to their own equally close-minded belief system, Wokeism is also a dangerous and corrosive ideology.
The modern trans-rights movement goes back to at least the early 1950’s, since before the term ‘transgender’ existed. It was largely shaped by activists organizing and fighting the gross and inhumane bigotry by the authorities, against people who were considered gender-nonconformists, including drag queens, gay and lesbian men and women, as well as those who suffered gender dysphoria.
The trans-rights movement has focused on achieving legal recognition and equality under the law for people who suffer gender dysphoria, as well as eradicating discrimination against such human beings in terms of housing, education, employment, health care, and other public facilities that should be available to everyone, regardless of identity.
There is, however, certainly room for debate concerning the extent of such access, and there is also certainly room for debate concerning what qualifies a person to be considered transgender. Take for example the recent cases of male rapists being caught and then suddenly identifying as transwomen in order to be housed in female prisons. Another area of debate concerns males suddenly identifying as transwomen in order to compete in female sports, particularly contact and combat sports, which poses a tangible threat to the safety of women.
Another area of debate concerns the age at which one should be permitted to start taking irreversible steps to transition. These three areas of debate are hugely important because they involve a discussion on the balance between trans rights, women's rights and children’s rights. But this debate has become so toxic, and so dangerous, that to dare to speak up for women's rights and children’s rights can cause death threats, doxing, and actual mob violence against those brave enough to assert their voices in defense of victims.
In its antithetical stance against women’s rights, the Woke trans-rights movement has adopted the old misogyny of its archaic male antecedents and weaponized it against women who dare to speak up in the public sphere, perhaps preferring them to remain in the private sphere of the kitchen, “where they belong!” So why has the trans movement become so fascistic in nature? And it isn’t just women’s rights and children's rights being negatively impacted, but also gay rights, with more and more people in the gay community now desiring an LGB without the T.
I believe that the answer to the question of the origin of this trans toxicity is that Wokeism, being a relatively new ideological movement, has expanded, as is its nature, to encompass and swallow up the trans-rights movement, infecting it with a dangerous form of ideological fascism.
'Wokeism is an ever-expanding and reactionary religiopolitical ideology built on a mixture of the failed aspects of Postmodernism and Marxism. Its doctrines are designed to distort linguistics in order to evangelize its socially divisive and corrosive mission, and weaponize goodwill to the exclusive benefit of its own survival and expansion.
Wokeism's scriptures are a handful of books which contain mutually-supportive beliefs, and its priests are a handful of pundits who preach hate disguised as love, intolerance disguised as tolerance, fiction disguised as fact, subjective truth disguised as objective truth, and violence disguised as compassion. Its primary objective is the destruction of civilized society, which is sees as inherently evil, problematic, and irredeemably toxic.'
In 2020, J.K. Rowling, a sincere supporter of LGBTQ rights, tweeted the below tweet, which you will see was in no way transphobic. For this and other equally benign expressions aimed at promoting women’s rights and a rational scientific worldview, she received disgusting and misogynistic abuse, threats of violence and murder, and she even had her home address published online by deranged trans activists and allies, resulting in Woke psychopaths actually going around to her house where her children reside, as well as incessant and pathological attempts to cancel her as an author.
If you are interested in learning more about the ordeal that J.K. Rowling endured as a result of her Left-wing feminism, please take time to listen to the brilliant podcast series by Megan Phelps-Roper, The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling.
Whether or not you agree with Posie Parker’s stance on trans issues, only an insane person, driven by an insane ideology, would see the recent violence and terrorism committed by Woke trans activists and allies against her in New Zealand as being measured and justified.
The violence this feminist received in New Zealand was in some ways reminiscent of the inhumane violence committed by Hitler’s Nazi stormtroopers against the Jewish people, who, like the modern fascist Woke, viewed their ideological enemies as sub-humans and legitimate targets for violent erasure. She had to be evacuated by police and taken in secret to a the police station and held under police protection due to credible threats against her physical wellbeing. She was forced to flee New Zealand to ensure the safety and continuation of her life.
One unhinged trans activist on my Facebook page made the following comments concerning the Posie Parker incident in New Zealand:
This isn’t the first time transgender fascists have violently attacked women advocating for women’s rights. In 2019, British feminist Julie Bindel was almost beaten up by a trans lunatic, and had it not been for the brave intervention of security staff at Edinburgh University, the situation may have ended in bloodshed. Writing for the Scotsman, Gina Davidson reports:
‘Julie Bindel, the keynote speaker at an Edinburgh University event which discussed the future of women's sex-based rights, said she was verbally abused, "lunged at" and almost "punched in the face", by a transwoman as she left the building…Today Ms Bindel said: "I have been beaten up by men in the past but not for a long time, and I knew precisely what was coming when I saw the rage on his face, and I am just so sick of this. "We had had a very positive meeting - I was speaking about male violence against women and never even mentioned transgender people - and when I came out this person was waiting. "There had been a protest outside earlier, but that had gone so he was obviously waiting for me.’
In 2022, at the Let Women Speak event in Tacoma, Washington, a woman had her fingers violently crushed by an outraged and deranged transwoman. Journalist Andy Ngo, who I have had some positive interactions with in the past, and who himself has been the target of severe Woke Antifa violence that caused him to be hospitalized, shared disturbing footage of trans fascists mobbing and assaulting a middle-aged lesbian. Warning, this footage is violent so I won’t embed the video. The footage is in the hyperlink above.
Yet another violent attack on female feminists took place in May of 2022 in Manchester, England, where trans activists were attempting to physically prevent feminists from approaching the statue of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, because trans activists felt entitled to crash and derail this feminist event. In the footage, which I have embedded both above and at the very end of this piece, you can see one of the trans activists actually physically assaulting one of the women.
There are more and more cases emerging of Woke transgender fascists acting violently and oppressively to push their own cause at the expense of women’s safety, women’s rights, children’s rights and human rights, which is the epitome of fascist behaviour, and this behaviour should not be tolerated at all.
One of the doctrines of Wokeism assisting the rise of dangerous trans fascism is the doctrine of censorship. Woke ideological authoritarianism uses cancel culture as a punitive measure by which both Woke religious insiders and heretical outsiders are publicly punished to coerce widespread conformity and ideological hegemony. In an article for the Guardian titled: Sacked or silenced: academics say they are blocked from exploring trans issues, Anna Fazackerley reported:
‘On the December morning that Jo Phoenix, professor of criminology at the Open University, was to give a lecture at Essex University on trans rights in prisons, Twitter roared into action, with several Essex staff and students tweeting allegations that a “transphobe” would be on campus.
By 10am Phoenix was warned by a member of university staff that some students were threatening to shut down her lecture, as they said LGBT+ staff and students wouldn’t feel safe if Phoenix gave her talk. At midday the university decided to cancel it because disruption looked inevitable, and proper academic discussion unlikely.
“I was furious,” Phoenix says. “It was very clear to me that those agitating were fundamentally anti-academic because they condemned me and my research without hearing what I had to say.”’
What’s most troubling about this doctrine of Wokeism as it is applied to trans fascism is that judges are beginning to lend it credence over and above the cornerstone human rights of freedom of thought and expression. In a 2019 case, a judge ruled against a researcher who lost her job at a think tank for simply stating on Twitter that a transgender person cannot change their biological sex, which is just a true and scientific statement. So we have the doctrine of woke censorship employing cancel culture and courts of law now beginning to lend support to anti-human rights and unconstitutional outcomes for what might rightly be perceived as a fear-response from judicial authorities, who themselves may not want to be either cancelled or violently attacked by woke trans fascists.
This prominent doctrine of Wokeism concerns the belief in the metaphysical power of words. Words alone are believed to have almost supernatural powers. For the non-Woke non-believer, it is the expresser’s intention and the context of use that supplies words their meanings. For the Woke, however, the words themselves hold autonomous magical powers. It makes sense that if the Woke view speech as being actual violence, then actual violence as a response becomes a logical and measured response. But speech isn’t violence, is it? No, it’s not. Violence is violence. I know! What a revolutionary statement in this age of ignorance and Orwellian Newspeak.
Ibram X. Kendi is one of the Priests of Wokeism. In his book, which we might justifiably refer to as Woke scripture, How to Be an Anti-Racist, he offers the following divisive, racist and bone-headed doctrine:
‘The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.’
This doctrine relies almost exclusively on the Woke Victimhood doctrine, using it as justification for human-rights-infringing, vile and horrible behaviour. It is evident from the violence committed against female feminists and from the anti-human rights cancellations - from the lack of protection afforded to women by authorities in the face of Woke transgender fascism - that Woke trans fascists now feel a sense of deranged entitlement to behave in the most narcissistic and inhumane ways as a result of the suffering they have experienced, so I will just finish with a quote from the brilliant philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche:
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”